Perform the following instructions:
1. Sit on the edge of the pool with their feet in water. Lower head so that the chin touches the chest. String his hands and put them on the water surface, faces downwards. Now, roll into the water.
2. Sitting by the pool with heels inside, knees spread. Reach your arms toward the water. With your head between your arms ,roll into the water.
3. Bend on both knees on the edge of the pool. Keep your head down and hands the dive for the bottom of the pool. Lean forward,fall into water, head down at all times.
4. With one foot on the board and the other foot in the gutter, bend forward on one knee. Push off the side of the pool and fall into the water.
5. Stand on one leg at the corner of the pool, the other for holding the back of the leg. Aim for the bottom with always head down. Have someone raises the back of the leg and the goal is the water. Try this without the help of anyone, kicking your rear leg high so you can rotate enough for a head-first entry. As you kick, push away from the end of the pool with the toes .
6. Now, measure out a series of steps away from the edge of the pool. Turn and walk quickly on board, strengthening the frame with the same foot, which is pushed out in step 5. Push off with this leg, the other leg kicking high. This running dive!
Diving from the edge
After plunging head on the side of the pool, just follow the same procedure. You can ignore some of the steps depending on your ability and your progress.
Jump then dive
To take a step closer to competitive methods, you learn to dive and jump from a standing position. To do this first stand on the edge of the pool or board, curling feet over the edge. Pause a few seconds with your arms at shoulder width, then bring your arms down to your thighs and the position of attention. Now jump into the water. If you are trying to do this from the springboard , be ready for a spring from the edge. When you can jump and keep your balance, you are ready.
There is a difference between this and those who have done previously. You have to push hard with both legs, as you drop your arms and head in dip, or you will not have enough rotation to get water into the head. To get the knack, a practice by the pool with someone. Diving up and over this obstacle will give its actions. Push off with your legs hard and get your head as you take off. When you can do on this side, and then go into retirement. Remember, the board is higher and you get more spring, so it is necessary in the upper corner off. Once you have learned these steps you will be ready to progress basic and fundamental approach used in diving competition.
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