Monday, September 1, 2008

Amazing Female Bodybuilding Diet

I'm going to talk to you about the female bodybuilding diet and how you can tweak it, so you can get the best results physically possible. As women, we face a lot of challenges in this sport and the biggest is not having readably available information to consult when we aren't sure what to do. Everything is designed specifically for men and often those methods don't apply for us. I've been training for almost a decade now and in that time I was forced to learn what works and what doesn't in trial and error. I'm going to show you exactly what makes up a good diet and how it can really help you get better results.

The most important point about a good female bodybuilding diet is the construct of eating smaller meals more often. This is something you can't get around. The female body isn't designed to put on muscle that well, so you have to take advantage of your biology and make sure the maximum amount physically possible is created. By eating these smaller meals throughout the day, you give your body a consistent flow of nutrients that end up being used to repair and grow muscle tissue.

As for the overnight hours, you're faced with the challenge of needing sleep and nutrients at the same time. Obviously, if you get up to eat, your quality of sleep goes down. If you sleep and don't eat, you run out of nutrients. The key is to eat a combination of protein and fat before bed, like cottage cheese. The fat slows down the digestive process, so the protein will last long into the night as you sleep.

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